Permethrin Insect Repellent Treatment
Permethrin is very effective against ticks, mosquitoes, chiggers, and mites for up to 4 - 6 weeks.
For use on clothing, shoes, tents, sleeping bags, hammocks, luggage, bed sheets, outdoor furniture and other outdoor gear. Spraying Clothing with Permethrin Insect Repellent not only repels insects, it actually kill mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, mites, and over 50 other kinds of insects on contact. Permethrin will not stain or damage clothing, fabrics, plastics, finished surfaces, or any of your gear and is odorless when dry. Single application lasts up to 40 days of sun exposure or 6 washings ( I prefer to spray every 30 days). This is a synthetic version of pyrethrum, a natural insecticide derived from the chrysanthemum flower. Permethrin repellent has been applied on all uniforms for the United States and Canadian militaries for 30 years.
Only use permethrin approved for clothing. That will be indicated on the label or call the manufacturer. You may be tempted to purchase permethrin pesticide (or related chemicals) meant for agricultural uses and dilute it down to a concentration of 0.52 percent, the industry standard for clothing to save money. This is dangerous because you could make a mistake and end up with the wrong concentration. And the permethrin products meant for clothes are formulated with ingredients that help it stick to fabric.
You can purchase pretreated clothing from various manufacturers (especially those that specialize in outdoor gear).
Insect Shield, will treat your clothes with permethrin for you, if you mail them in.
These are two permethrin products my family uses:
JT Eaton Kills Bedbugs, Ticks & Mosquitoes Permethrin Clothing & Gear Treatment with Sprayer
Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent